Henry’s Law
It states that the solubility of a gas at a given
temperature is directly proportional to the pressure at which it is dissolved.
p = Partial pressure of the gas
Mole fraction of the gas
Henry law constant
(1) Significance of Henry law constant:-
The unit of Henry law constant is
some as those of pressure i.e. torr or k bar.
Different gases have different
values of Henry law constant.
The KH values of a gas increases with the
increase in temperature.
The solubility of a gas can be
calculated at a given temperature if its KH value is known.
In general, a gas having lower value of KH has higher solubility.
(2) Limitations of Henry’s law:-
(a) The pressure of the gas is not too high.
(b) The temperature is not too low.
The gas should not undergo any
chemical reaction with the solvent.
(d) The gas should not undergo dissociation
in solution.
(3) Applications of Henry’s law:-
(a) Soft drinks, soda water and other
carbonated beverages contain dissolved carbon dioxide.
(b) In lungs
oxygen present in the inhaled air dissolves in blood because of its high partial pressure
and combines with hemoglobin to form oxohaemoglobin.
(c) The
minimize the painful effects accompanying the decompression of deep sea divers,
oxygen is diluted with less
soluble helium gas in the breathing kit.
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