Anti-Knocking Compounds, Octane Number and Cetane Number
Knocking: Knocking is a sharp metallic sound given from the
cylinders of spark ignition engines resulting a huge waste of energy. This
decreases the power and increases the wear and tear of the engine.
Antiknock compounds: The compounds which are added to the gasoline to
eliminate knocking are known as antiknock compounds. Lead tetraethyl [Pb(C2H5)4]
is a good antiknock. It is added up to 0.01% in the gasoline. It dissociates
into ethyl radicals which stops knocking.
Use of gasoline in an
engine: In internal combustion
engine (within an automobile) the down stroke of the piston draws a mixture of
gasoline vapour and air into the cylinder. During the upward stroke this
mixture is compressed into a small volume. This compressed mixture is ignited
by a spark from a spark plug producing CO2 and H2O. As
result of the combustion of gasoline air considerable power is generated which
pushes the piston and engine operates.
Octane number: The percentage of iso-octane in the mixture of iso-octane
and n-heptane which produces the same knocking as the gasoline under
examination. If we say that the octane number of a fuel is 70, it means the
knocking property of the given fuel is the same as a mixture of 70% is octane
and 30% n-heptane.
Cetane number: Cetane number of a given sample is the percentage of
cetane in a cetane (n-hexadecane C16H24) and α-methyl naphthalene
mixture which compares in ignition quality with the given sample. If the cetane
number of a diesel fuel is 90, it means that it has same ignition as a mixture
of 90% cetane and 10% α-methyl naphthalene.
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